Oral Examinations
A comprehensive oral health assessment and cleaning is an examination of the entire oral cavity and each individual tooth combined with a complete scaling, cleaning, and polishing of the teeth.
Oral Examinations in Atlanta, GA
Your pet will be healthier, happier, have more energy, and will live longer if good oral health is maintained. Periodontal disease is painful and can lead to heart, kidney, and immune disease.
Oral Examinations
Just as we brush our teeth to keep them healthy, it’s important to brush our pet’s teeth too! Dental disease is one of the most common problems seen in pets and can lead to other health problems if left untreated. But brushing your pet’s teeth doesn’t have to be difficult!
At our hospital, we understand the importance of dental care for your pet. We believe that regular professional cleanings and home dental care are essential to maintaining your pet’s overall health. Our veterinarians and technicians are specially trained in providing dental care for your pet. We offer complete oral examinations, digital dental X-rays, ultrasonic scaling, polishing, and fluoride treatments. We also offer extractions and other necessary dental procedures. In addition to our veterinary services, we also offer a wide range of pet dental products to help you maintain your pet’s oral health at home.